Professional Liability Insurance in Frederick Maryland

Professional Liability Insurance in Frederick Maryland

If you are a professional that provides a service based on your specialized expertise, a general liability policy will not provide all of Professional Liability Insurance Marylandthe coverage you need to ensure that you are fully protected. Professional liability (also referred to as errors and omission) insurance offers extended coverage for negligence resulting from the services performed by you or someone employed by your practice. Do you need professional liability insurance in Frederick Maryland? Call us today at (301) 874-0772 for additional information and a free quote.

At Balderson Insurance, we are an independent agency specializing in finding the right coverage for all types of professionals. We work with several of the top insurers in Maryland to find the right professional liability policy to address your needs and fit your budget.


Who Needs Professional Liability Insurance:

In Maryland, errors and omission insurance is a necessity for virtually any type of professional. Some examples include:

  • Lawyers
  • Accountants
  • Insurance agents
  • Counseling Services
  • Engineers
  • Architects
  • Photographers
  • Personal Trainers
  • Technology/IT Professionals


What is covered in a Professional Liability Policy?

Errors and omissions insurance is similar to medical malpractice insurance for doctors. The policy covers instances when a client alleges that you are guilty of some type of negligence in your work. Examples include:

  • Giving incorrect information or advice
  • Omitting essential information
  • Failure to deliver a promised service

Professional liability will pay damages and defense costs up to the policy limits for covered incidents.

Errors and omissions insurance covers you for nearly all types of professional negligence, actual or alleged. There are exclusions, however, depending on the specific policy and carrier. In general, most professional liability policies will not cover intentional errors and omissions or illegal activity.

Professional liability insurance does not replace a general liability policy. It does not cover bodily injury, property damage, and other forms of personal injury. An errors and omissions policy works best in conjunction with general commercial liability insurance to provide comprehensive coverage for professional practices.

At Balderson Insurance, we put our experience to work to fully understand your needs and find the right insurance products to meet your goals. If you need both general and professional liability coverage, we shop around to put together the best package to protect your business without going over your budget. Contact us today and let us go to work for you!

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